The Future of AI Marketing: Current Trends & Predictions

A graphic of a customer asking an AI chatbot a question
AI marketing has disrupted the digital marketplace in almost every facet. Learn more about current AI trends, future predictions, and how your business can better leverage AI to optimize your marketing strategies.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to replace digital marketing. AI doesn’t create original content. These are common, yet understandable experiences of AI marketing for business owners in today’s online realm. It has disrupted the digital marketplace in almost every facet, including graphic design, advertising, SEO, and VR. 

Since it’s still relatively new, there are risks of improper use of artificial intelligence and marketing. Unedited AI-written content has become unintentionally plagiarized and customer service chatbots have human language constraints. Whether you’ve adopted marketing AI or not, it’s here to stay and will only evolve. 

So, how does your business successfully adapt to emerging AI technologies? 

Learn more about the current trends in AI, our future predictions based on trending insights, and how you can better embrace AI to enhance your digital marketing strategies.  

5 Artificial Intelligence Current Trends in Marketing

A graphic of a marketing team using artificial intelligence for various marketing-related tasks

AI’s impact on marketing is vast with many automated features and applications offering businesses new ways to optimize their online presence. Below are the five most popular AI marketing tools used currently and the benefits they’re providing. 

AI Content Writing

You’ve most likely heard of ChatGPT as one of the most used AI platforms for content writing today. ChatGPT was a groundbreaking AI chatbot that revolutionized the way we create content online. Grammarly also had a major industry influence and changed how we proofread content with prompted edit suggestions. 

Some of the most popular generated features of AI content writing tools include:

  • Content topic ideas and outlines
  • Content analysis and summaries
  • Content editing
  • Coding language
  • Text production

To avoid AI content writing applications from doing more harm than good, you must use it as a foundation—not a complete solution. Copying and pasting generated content without checking if the information is accurate and editing it to create unique content puts your business at risk of distributing misinformation or even plagiarism, as it’s largely unregulated and still new. 

We’ve seen the rise of AI content writers specialized in integrating artificial intelligence to optimize their content creation processes. AI marketers enter detailed prompts with preliminary research to generate more accurate and humanized AI-written content faster. Web programmers generate code to write, debug, and analyze coding languages to save time. 

Generate ideas from AI content creation applications to get creative inspiration instead and stay up-to-date with changing AI copyright laws. It will help streamline your content creation workflows while preventing legal challenges. 

Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Many people have interacted with Search Generative Experience (SGE) largely for its famous AI image generator. Users can enter random image details and SGE acts as a graphic designer bot to create the exact visual you prompted. However, businesses are now using SGE to strengthen their SEO. 

Some of SGE’s most popular SEO features include:

  • AI-powered SERP overviews
  • Product and shopping ad image searches
  • Follow-up question-based search queries
  • Google Business Profile snapshot previews

SGE doesn’t replace standard SEO. It relies on human-written content to generate results. That’s why you must know how to leverage both to deliver the best, most relevant, and most streamlined search results possible to your target audience when looking up information related to your business online. 

To accomplish this, you must optimize your website for Google AI search. Create quality E-E-A-T content with strong backlinks, metadata, and user experience (UX) that SGE algorithms reward. SGE can create a generated overview of your site’s information while linking back to it if you create a higher standard of information quality for your users with traditional SEO optimization. 

Also, utilize SGE website audits to identify the most important keyword rankings you can’t afford to lose first. It provides an SGE impact analysis to measure your site’s SGE-SEO performance to see how it’ll perform in Google’s AI search engine. 

Customer Service Chatbots

A graphic of a man messaging a customer service chatbot for more information

Although customer service chatbots have been around for some time, there are new AI marketing features that are increasing their capabilities.

Some of the most popular customer service chatbot features include:

  • Decision-tree prompts to transfer customers to the correct departments
  • Deeper understanding of conversational customer language
  • 24/7 customer service support 

With advanced automated features, chatbots are solving customer service issues without the need for phone operators, reducing call wait times and bottlenecks contributing to poor customer satisfaction. 

Project Management Automation

Popular project management AI tools, like Asana, Jira, and, are widely used in businesses for organizing and streamlining their internal workflows.  

Some of the most-used project management automated features include:

  • Task triggers and rules
  • Recurring tasks
  • Customized task deadlines
  • Team project collaboration spaces
  • Multiple task list views (lists, boards, calendars, etc.)

Having an automated project management platform is a requirement for businesses nowadays. Without an application that centralizes your tasks and team, it’s like operating in the dark.

AI Advertising

Illustration of a robot and people working together for new marketing ideas

Advertising with AI marketing offers more personalized ads and audience targeting to streamline purchase decisions. With advanced predictive analytics and audience segmentation, AI advertising can categorize personas at each stage of the marketing funnel with web behavioral insights. 

They can assess which advertising platforms and materials have the best performance for specific groups of people through views and engagement metrics. That way, businesses can better personalize how they create ads for each persona and connect with them where they are on their buyer’s journey for a hyper-personalized shopping experience. 

Popular AI advertising features include:

  • Real-time bidding
  • A/B testing optimization
  • Advanced audience segmentation and targeting
  • Predictive ad performance analysis

When you understand your ideal customer’s online behavior, you can better predict how they’ll respond to your content and provide customized solutions. 

5 Predictions On the Future of AI in Marketing 

Based on these current AI marketing trends, how will AI affect marketing in the future? While it’s hard to know exactly how far advanced AI will become and how fast it will evolve, we predict the five following future trends will occur: 

Stronger Understanding of Branding Guidelines & Human Language

One of the biggest challenges that AI marketing platforms currently face is their understanding of the human language. People nowadays can spot AI-written content as it uses the same robotic tone with long run-on sentences and fluff that doesn’t sound human. 

Based on these constraints, we believe that AI digital marketing tools will advance their machine learning processes to reduce the humanization required. We predict that they’ll have a stronger contextual awareness and understand personalized tones to generate more uniquely branded content.

Advanced Customer Behavioral Analysis

Illustration of two people strategizing about digital consumer behavior

While engagement analytics are available in AI marketing platforms, we believe that their consumer behavioral analysis will advance with more comprehensive data insights. They’ll be able to achieve more accurate campaign performance predictions with greater machine learning tools.

We think AI digital marketing tools will have an increased awareness of consumer behavioral trends and ROI projections to help businesses stay ahead of the competition by using consumer data more effectively in their marketing campaigns. AI is designed to continuously learn, so we believe it will help brands make better data-driven marketing decisions in real time.  

Enhanced Ad Target Marketing

AI advertising platforms currently have predictive analytics, and we foresee this feature will be enhanced in the future to strengthen audience targeting. They’ll be able to build audience profiles more accurately with their advanced customer behavioral analysis and segmentation. 

These tools will be able to analyze comprehensive user data, personalize human language, and offer behavioral prediction analytics based on these valuable insights. It will automate and fine-tune businesses’ buyer persona profiles to better target the right audiences. 

However, we think integrating AI advertising with traditional marketing strategies will remain imperative to achieve the most accurate results until new capabilities become available.

AI Integration with AR & VR

A graphic of a woman using VR to shop for products online

The future of AI in marketing will most likely evolve more into AR and VR. We predict VR assistant avatars with detailed rendering will replace chatbots to provide a more “human-like” shopping experience. It’ll be able to try on clothes in different colors and make styling suggestions based on your home’s specs, customer profile, and purchasing history. 

While brands like Amazon currently have AR camera views, like seeing how furniture looks in your home before buying, it will become more interactive and advanced. 

AI will also utilize enhanced sensory technology for AR to create a real-life immersive experience where simulations can interact with dynamic environments in the real world better. 

AI Video Marketing: Pre & Post-Production

Video marketing currently utilizes AI tools for features like viewer behavioral analysis data on live streams and generated video content. While AI video marketing is being implemented, we believe it will enhance pre and post-production processes more efficiently. It will be able to edit raw footage, transcribe audio to create scripts, and render higher-quality animations faster. 

However, until new advancements are made, we believe that video marketers will still need to edit AI-powered video content to ensure it’s AI copyright compliant. 

Generate Better Results with AI & Human-Driven Marketing

Although AI can do most of the heavy lifting, it doesn’t replace professional digital marketing. That’s why combining human-driven and AI marketing is imperative when marketing your business online while it’s still new. 

At Reach Marketing Pro, we have extensive experience with humanizing and tailoring AI-enabled marketing to optimize your strategies for the best results possible. We’ll also keep you informed throughout the process with monthly performance reports to measure and track success. 

Ready to stop worrying about AI and embrace AI digital marketing?

Learn more about our digital marketing services, or contact us for any questions today! 

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