How to Build a Website for Your Small Business

Illustration of people sitting at a desk developing a website design plan

If you don’t know how to build a website for your small business, it’s essential to understand the standard process to streamline your development. Without basic knowledge of typical web build requirements, like domain names and indexing, you risk prolonging your site launch and having performance issues.

Press Releases: How They Can Help Your Business

Image of an orange typewriter with a paper titled Press Release" on the top

Some say they’re not needed; however, they’re essential. Press Releases are a benefiical contribution of an organization’s media coverage, in that they can be used to promote a new product/service, raise awareness, or make an important announcement. Rather than investing so much effort into long-form content, Press Releases are short, concise, effective communication methods to grow a business. Let’s discuss what a Presss Release is, what they’re used for, and why a business should use them in their marketing strategy.

SEO Guide for Videos – How to Optimize For the Most Popular Video Platforms

Image of a laptop with different video features on the screen

We’ve all been there, scrolling through YouTube and finally landing on a video and all of a sudden, 30 minutes has passed by. However, the content was so engaging, you couldn’t put it away (like a delicious bag of chips). Or, have you noticed it’s so much easier to find the exact moment in the video you need without having to watch the whole thing? We can thank video timestamps and video optimization for that! Let’s dive into what Video SEO is, its benefits, and how you can achieve optimal video results for your marketing strategy.

Why Word Count & Keyword Density Matters in SEO

Illustration of a male figure looking at a webpage with a magnifying glass

Keyword Density is one of the main building blocks of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). To make the best use of your SEO marketing strategies, learning the basics of how keyword density works, implementing best practices, and calculating it efficiently so it delivers optimal results, will take your business to the next level. It is also relatively important in Google’s Keyword Density search engine ranking algorithms, so it’s significant to understand how it impacts your SEO.

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