
Why You Should Align Your SEM and SEO Marketing Strategies

Illustration with a laptop and "your Website: The rank 1 site for your search term" text on top, with a magnifying glass over the laptop

Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are valuable marketing tactics that optimize performance and increase lead generation for businesses. While both produce similar results, each have unique differences that are imperative to ensure a growing company’s success. We will discover the key differences between SEM and SEO, why they’re important, and why implementing both is important for an effective marketing strategy.

Vehicles for Sale & Vehicle Listing Ads: A Strategy for Automotive Dealerships

Illustration of a hand holding a magnifying glass over a car

The digital marketplace is busier than ever. With more people turning to the web to find and select their next vehicle—over 89% in fact—they’re purchasing their dream car without even test driving on the lot! How can a dealership take advantage of these ads and spearhead a new level of growth? With this article, you’ll learn more about what each feature is, how they can be used, their benefits, who may qualify for these features, and best next steps to kickstart your business’s engine.

What is the Best Automotive Marketing Strategy?

Illustrated couple being handed a set of keys to a vehicle by another figure with a large animated phone behind him

The automotive industry is one that is always moving, transforming, and innovating. A few years ago, electric vehicles were just a simple afterthought; Now, they have become a leading forefront in the industry. Knowing that more than 95% of car sales today are made at the dealership, the first step to get the customer on the lot is to begin their buyer’s journey through an effective marketing strategy. But what are the best automotive marketing tactics? We will explain how these strategies provide leverage for your marketing efforts and how automotive advertising will improve efficiency, operations, and the customer experience.

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO Differences & Why They’re Important

Image with two colored sides showing on-page seo graphic on one side versus an off-page seo graphic on the other side

On-page SEO and off-page SEO are two different forms of search engine optimization but must be used together to improve search rankings holistically. Understanding the distinction between on-page SEO and off-page SEO is essential to your website’s organic success. Here, we dive deeper into the similarities and differences between on-page vs. off-page SEO, why each is important, and how to optimize your website for both.

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO the Right Way

Illustrated graphic of cartoon characters analyzing keyword research data

Keyword research must be done the right way if you want to set up your business for success. By understanding how to perform keyword research for SEO, you gain the tools required to move ahead of your competition. Let’s take a moment to discuss how to do keyword research and look closer at some of the keyword research best practices to get you started.

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